Apathy is a clinical syndrome characterised by a reduction in self-initiated, goal-directed activity, which is not driven by primary motor or sensory impairments, or other co-morbidities such as drug intoxication or intercurrent illness.

Apathy is not a unitary syndrome, and can be manifest across different dimensions/Behavior, Cognition, ’Emotion, and event social social activities or interactions. This reduction in activity must represent a significant decline relative to the patient’s previous level of functioning.

On this page it is possible to find the diagnostic criteria for apathy as well as various assessment instruments.

Critères Diagnostic 2021
pour les troubles neurocognitif

Critères Diagnostic 2018 pour l’ensemble des troubles neuropsychiatriques

Document / Link

Reference article

Critères Diagnostic 2008 pour l’ensemble des troubles neuropsychiatriques

échelle d’évaluation 

Robert P-H, Clairet S, Benoit M, et al. The Apathy Inventory: assessment of apathy and awareness in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. International Journal og Geriatric Psychiatry. 2002 ; 17: 1099-1105


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